Nonimaging optics design theory and concepts

This article provides the fundamentals of Nonimaging optics systems, in particular, the background and a little theory of Nonimaging optics systems. 

Some background theory and concepts of Nonimaging optics design

Nonimaging optics, or non-sequential raytracing is often used for illumination optics. A different thought process is needed for most Nonimaging optics designs.

the primary goal of an Nonimaging optics design is the optimal transfer of the light source to the desired distribution on the target Nonimaging optics. However, common optical engineering properties such as color, cost, and ease of manufacture also apply. It is harder to quantify the latter requirements as a merit function

Uniformity examples


Fundamental concepts that are useful in Nonimaging optics design

Units of measure


Below is a shorthand table for quick access to the Nonimaging optics units.

  Radiometric Photopic
Term Symbol Name Units Name Units
Flux Φ Power Watts (W) Luminous flux lumens (lm)
Flux/area E Irradiance W/m² Illuminance lm/m² or lux
Flux/solid angle I Radiant intensity W/sr Luminous intensity lm/sr or candela (cd)
Flux/area⋅solid angle L Radiance W/m²⋅sr Luminance lm/m²⋅sr or cd/m² or nit

Please note that the designations of Φ, E, I, L are not universal, and sometimes P, H, J, and N are used for the corresponding radiometric quantities, while F, E, I, and B are used for the corresponding photometric quantities.

Point sources

Some light sources are small compared to the optical system, and can be reduced to a point source for more straightforward calculations.

Paraboloid reflector


Defining the energy

The encircled energy of a light source

In a Nonimaging optics optical system, when we eventually calculate the efficiency of the system, the encircled energy of the light source is the reference energy. Let’s take an LED as our example for encircled energy, much like the example in the image below.

#Schematic LED


Lambert Cosine Law 1.svg


Lambertian distribution


Consideration of encircled energy: TIR lens


TIR lens

The front portion of the lens is refractive, while the side surfaces are reflective due to total internal reflection. Such a lens is a TIR lens. 

Uniform distribution

One concept of Nonimaging optics design is the conservation of energy. The lens in this example distributes the Gaussian distribution of the source into a flat, top-hat distribution.

Analytical design concept

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