How to Optimize the optical lens

This blog introduces the basic concepts of optimization, demonstrates how to set parameters as variables.

Setting variables and constructing the default Merit Function

There are certainly limits as to how well a singlet can perform, but OpticStudio can still be used to find a better solution than the one which currently exists. In doing so, it is important to first determine how many degrees of freedom the current design has. That is, how many parameters are free to adjust?


Once the variables are set, we can now construct the default Merit Function.

Although it is possible to construct a Merit Function by hand, it is much easier to have OpticStudio construct one for you. A default Merit Function can be constructed by selecting Wizards and Operands…Optimization Wizard from the menu bar in the MFE.


Upon selecting this option, the Optimization Wizard dialog will appear, from which various options may be selected for defining a default Merit Function. All other parameters may be left as the default for the purposes of this exercise.


Click OK to close the dialog.

Performing optimization


During optimization, OpticStudio attempts to lower this Merit Function value, which means the design is closer to the goal described in the Merit Function Editor.

Click Exit to close the Optimization dialog.

It is best practice to start by entering appropriate system settings into the System Explorer. After that, you may begin entering data into the Lens Data Editor.

Reference  Source:


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