ZnGeP2 (ZGP) Crystals

Key Features:

  • Wide Transparency Range: ZnGeP₂ crystals offer a broad transmission range from 0.74 µm to 12 µm, making them suitable for various optical applications.
  • High Nonlinear Coefficients: ZnGeP₂ has large nonlinear optical coefficients, suitable for frequency conversion in nonlinear optics.
  • Excellent Phase Matching: Supports both type I and type II non-critical phase matching (NCPM) over a wide wavelength range.
  • High Damage Threshold: ZnGeP₂ crystals can withstand high power densities, with a high laser damage threshold.
  • Thermal and Mechanical Stability: Exhibits excellent thermal and mechanical properties, ensuring durability and reliability in various environments.
  • Chemical Stability: Chemically stable with minimal hygroscopicity, reducing the need for special handling procedures.




Items Notes

  • Size, mm: The first lists the dimensions of the crystal in millimeters; W*H*L(mm)
  • θ, deg: The second represents the phase-matching angle θ in degrees. This is the angle at which phase matching occurs for nonlinear optical processes.
  • φ, deg: The third represents the azimuthal angle φ in degrees. This angle specifies the orientation of the crystal axis in the plane perpendicular to the propagation direction.
  • Coating: The fourth describes the coating applied to the crystal, specifying the wavelength range for which the coating is optimized (e.g., P/P @ 400-800 nm).


Description: Zinc Germanium Phosphide (ZnGeP₂) is a nonlinear optical crystal widely used in various applications due to its high transparency range, significant nonlinear coefficients, and excellent phase matching capabilities. It is extensively employed in laser technology, frequency conversion, and electro-optic applications.

Physical Properties of ZnGeP2 (ZGP) Crystals:

Property Value
Crystal Symmetry Tetragonal
Point Group 42m
Lattice Constants, Å a = 5.465, c = 10.771
Density, g/cm³ 4.175

Optical Properties of ZnGeP2 (ZGP) Crystals:

Property Value
Optical Transmission, µm 0.74 – 12
Indices of Refraction at
1.06 µm
nₒ 3.2324
nₑ 3.2786
5.3 µm
nₒ 3.1141
nₑ 3.1524
10.6 µm
nₒ 3.0725
nₑ 3.1119
Absorption Coefficient, cm⁻¹ at
1.06 µm 3.0
2.5 µm 0.03
5.0 µm 0.02
7.5 µm 0.02
10.0 µm 0.4
11.0 µm 0.8

Nonlinear Optical Properties of ZnGeP2 (ZGP) Crystals:

Property Value
Laser Damage Threshold, MW/cm²
at pulse duration, ns 60
at wavelength, µm 100
Nonlinearity, pm/V 2.05
Nonlinearity, pm/V 111
Phase Matching Angle for Type 1 SHG at 10.6 µm, deg 76
Walk-off Angle at 5.3 µm, deg 0.57

Thermal Properties:

Property Value
Melting Point, °C 1298
Thermal Expansion Coefficient, 10⁻⁶/K

*at 293–573 K, b) at 573–873 K

Sellmeier Equations for Calculation of Indices of Refraction:

Property Value
Sellmeier Equation, n² n² = A + Bλ² / (λ² – C) + Dλ² / (λ² – E)
A 8.0409 (nₒ), 8.0929 (nₑ)
B 1.68625 (nₒ), 1.8649 (nₑ)
C 0.40824 (nₒ), 0.41468 (nₑ)
D 1.2880 (nₒ), 0.84052 (nₑ)
E 611.05 (nₒ), 452.05 (nₑ)


  • Frequency Doubling: Widely used for second harmonic generation (SHG) of lasers, including Nd

    and Nd


  • Optical Parametric Oscillators (OPOs): Suitable for generating tunable wavelengths.
  • Electro-Optic Modulators: Employed in high-speed electro-optic applications.
  • Ultraviolet (UV) Generation: Effective in producing UV light through nonlinear processes.

Processing and Handling of ZnGeP2 (ZGP) Crystals:

  • Surface Protection: To maintain the integrity of ZnGeP₂ crystals, a protective coating may be applied during handling and processing.
  • Machining: Requires careful handling to avoid damage to the crystal structure during milling or other machining processes.

Why Choose Shape Optics on ZnGeP2 (ZGP) Crystals?

At Shape Optics, we pride ourselves on our comprehensive expertise and advanced capabilities in the field of optical materials and components. Our commitment to quality and innovation has positioned us as a leader in the industry, serving a diverse range of applications from scientific research to industrial manufacturing.

  • Advanced Manufacturing: Shape Optics utilizes state-of-the-art equipment and techniques to ensure the highest precision and quality in our products. Our manufacturing processes are designed to meet the stringent demands of modern optical applications.
  • Customization: We understand that every project is unique. Shape Optics offers customized solutions tailored to meet the specific needs of our clients. Whether you require specific dimensions, coatings, or performance characteristics, we have the flexibility to deliver.
  • Quality Assurance: Our rigorous quality control processes ensure that every product we deliver meets the highest standards of performance and reliability. Shape Optics is committed to continuous improvement and excellence in all aspects of our operations.
  • Expertise and Support: With a team of highly skilled professionals, Shape Optics provides unparalleled technical support and expertise. Our team is dedicated to helping you achieve optimal results in your optical applications.
  • Global Reach: Shape Optics serves clients worldwide, providing reliable and timely delivery of products. Our global network ensures that we can meet your needs wherever you are located.
  • Sustainability and Responsibility: Shape Optics is committed to sustainable practices and responsible manufacturing. We strive to minimize our environmental impact while delivering high-quality optical solutions.

ZnGeP₂ crystals from Shape Optics represent the pinnacle of quality and performance in optical materials. With our advanced capabilities, commitment to quality, and customer-centric approach, Shape Optics is your ideal partner for all your optical needs. Explore the possibilities with our ZnGeP₂ crystals and experience the Shape Optics difference.

For more information, please visit our website at Shape Optics or contact us directly to discuss your specific requirements.

Additional information

Weight 0.5 kg
Dimensions 12 × 10 × 8 cm


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