Key Features
- High transmittance from UV to IR wavelengths
- Smallest refractive index among commonly used infrared materials
- High optical quality
- Excellent mechanical strength and chemical stability
- Monocrystalline and polycrystalline structures available

Lithium Fluoride (LiF) crystals are a material with excellent optical properties and the smallest refractive index among commonly used infrared materials. With high transmittance in the ultraviolet, visible, and near-infrared spectral ranges, LiF is widely used in lenses, prisms, and windows for thermal imaging systems, aerospace optics, and excimer laser optics. LiF crystals belong to the cubic crystal system and are known for their high optical quality and mechanical strength.
Physical Properties
- Material Grade: UV, Deep UV, Extreme UV
- Maximum Crystal Size: φ180mm
- Growing Method: Czochralski (CZ)
- Crystal Structure: Monocrystalline
- Cleavage Planes: <100>
- Common Crystal Orientation: <100>, <110>, <111>
- Density: 2.64 g/cm³
- Melting Point: 870°C
- Thermal Conductivity: 11.39 W/mK
- Hardness: 99.1 kg/mm²
Optical Properties
- Refractive Index: 1.3934 @ 0.5 μm
- Transmittance Range: 110 nm – 7 μm
- Transmittance: >90% @ 110 nm – 6 μm
- Thermal Expansion Coefficient: 37 × 10⁻⁶ /K

Standard Specifications
Specification | Value |
Transmission Range | 0.11 – 7.0 μm |
Refractive Index | 1.3934 @ 0.5 μm |
Density | 2.64 g/cm³ |
Melting Point | 870°C |
Cleavage Plane | (100) |
Thermal Expansion Coefficient | 37 × 10⁻⁶ /K |
Thermal Conductivity | 11.39 W/mK |
Hardness | 99.1 kg/mm² |
Elastic Modulus | 64.79 GPa |
Solubility | 0.27 g/100g H₂O |
Other Properties
- High resistance to thermal and mechanical shock
- Low solubility in water
- Thermal imaging systems
- Aerospace optics
- Excimer laser optics
- UV and IR optical components
- High-energy detectors
Processing and Handling
- Handle with care to avoid mechanical shock
- Clean with mild solvents and soft materials
- Store in a dry, temperature-controlled environment to avoid contamination
Why Choose Shape Optics
Shape Optics is dedicated to delivering high-quality optical components, including Lithium Fluoride crystals, with precision and reliability. Our expertise in advanced crystal growth and processing ensures that our products meet the highest standards required by our clients.
Shape Optics Strength and Capabilities
- State-of-the-art manufacturing facilities
- Expertise in crystal growth and processing
- Commitment to quality and precision
- Custom solutions to meet specific requirements
- Comprehensive quality control procedures